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Time For College? Get The Inside Scoop!

May 18

Time For College? Get The Inside Scoop!

So you've started college huh? As excited as you may be, have you considered the possibility of gaining a lot of weight that first year. What is commonly referred to as the freshman fifteen can easily become the freshman twenty or thirty if you are not careful. Read this article to learn how you can keep eating a healthy diet no matter how bad your college dorm food is.

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The environment in which you study can make a world of difference. Your dorm room is rarely a great place to study. Choose a place with no distractions, instead. Generally, libraries can provide this. If you cannot go to the library, buy some headphones that will drown out noise.


Where you sit in your classes can have an affect on how well you do in a college course. Rather than hiding in the back row, get to class early and sit in the front. You are sure to feel more fully engaged and will have the ability to ask lots of questions.


Why are you attending college? It is important to answer this question for yourself. Are you in college just because it seems like the thing to do? Are you there to just have a college experience? Are you there to learn a specific subject. Carefully evaluate why it is you are attending college and prioritize.


A credit card is often necessary, particularly if you are going to school far away from home. However, be smart about your decision. Research your options and select a card that has a low interest rate. Also, make sure there aren't any annuals fees and don't be tempted by high credit limits. Those are just a recipe for disaster.


Know as much as you can before classes begin, including about your teachers. Learn how they can be contacted, their office location, and what their office hours are. It is vital that you meet your professors and become familiar with them so they can help.


When you enter college, one of the first things that you should do is get a part time job. There are going to be a lot of hours that are available during the day, as this can help you increase your income. A job will pay its dividends and will reduce your worries when you are out having fun.


Learn to budget. No matter where you get your money as a college student, you need to make sure your money lasts as long as you need it. Make a list of your expenses and think of how you can cut corners so that you can do what you need to do without going broke.


A great way to save money during college is to strive to purchase used textbooks, rather than new ones. New textbooks are prohibitively expensive. If you are able to find them used, you will save a lot of money.


Most college kids don't worry about gaining weight their first year, however maintaining proper nutrition is something that everyone would be wise to be on top of. Make sure you use the advice given in the article above so that you can stay healthy and happy throughout your college career.